Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Well welcome to my first blog! This blog is basically going to be about my day or just anything! I want to be more experianced with writing and I hope that this will help me be a better writer! Ok so I am just going to tell you a little about myself! I am 16. I am in the 9th grade.
I love cold coffee, tacos, family, movies, scrapbooking with my mom, reading, and a lot of other stuff. I love love to clean! I know it's weird but i do. I cannot stand anything that is messy or unorganized. I am a christian and hope to overcome being scared so I can share God with anyone.
I want to be a teacher and a part time photograher when I grow up. I do very well in school and work hard. I cannot stand getting a c. I like music. I have a lot of family in a lot of different places. I like texting. I love animals. I love all my friends. Umm I don't really know what else to add so I really really want comments to suggest what to put in my blog! ask anything you want! I will add blogs when i can but i cannot promise I will put a blog on evry day! I have a life and siblings that hog the computer a lot! So i will try to put one here as often as i can! And remember, I want your comments!!

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