Thursday, April 1, 2010


Well another day, another post. Today was OK i guess. My dad has been gone for the week and comes back tomorrow. I hate my dad. My mom, sister, brothers, and others hate my dad. I don't know how to exactly explain why i do. Well woke up earlier then usual and got ready for school. Then did the most funniest thing.
So it's April fools day right? well my mom didn't know that so we decided to put soap on her door handle. She thought it was gross and didn't know what it was. Also another prank we did was to put a rubber band around the handle of the sprayer at the kitchen sink. Then when someone tries to get water or something, They get sprayed by the sprayer. But it didn't work out the way I planned. I actually got sprayed because I was cleaning the soap off my hand and forgot.
Yeah It was hilarious! Then went to school and nothing special happened. I stayed after to finish work and that's where things went kinda weird. There is this boy named.........OK code name is la la. He and I are friends. very good friends. Some people at school knew about how he likes me. We were playing around and they of course asked "Are you guys going out?" Well of course i said and then about a few minutes ago. they were talking about me lying and they all laughed about how we were going out. ( which we are not). Ever since then, I was thinking how I really don't want to talk to him or socialize with him while they were around.
I also keep thinking about how I shouldn't be so nervous about who I am! I know that I am telling the truth about us not going out. I also shouldn't be afraid to show who I am! Now if only I can actually believe it! That would be good! After school I went with my mom and my little brother to my mom's choir practice at church ( she is a clarinet player). Me and my bro played around till we wern't playing anymore. ( this happens a lot) Came home and is now writing this blog. Tonight we "plan" on having family fun time before my dad comes back.
We "plan" on playing games, making a tent, and eating junk all night. Pshhh I do not think we will actually do this because.........well we are just that type of a family. I also went to church yesterday and of course we had prayer request time. I would like to tell you them so maybe you could pray for these requests as well.
1. A girl at school got approached by her classmates and they had a knife! They cut her and she was afraid to tell her mom what actually happened.
2. My family needs a new car. Our car keeps dying on us wherever we go. The car doesn't even care where we are! We could even be on the highway.
3. I really need prayer to not be scared to share about God with people! scared to death about doing it in person! (also, wanna ask me anything about God, go on ahead and I will answer if I can)
4.My little brother has anger issues (not kidding) He gets out of control when he is mad.
That is all I can think of. But I will tell you more next week.
Um Wow long blog, I know! My last words are----Smile, Be happy to be you and Don't forget that God loves you! Good night! :)

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