Friday, April 2, 2010

I dont know

Hello readers! Today started out bad. I woke up to a loud crash! Yes, a thunderstorm. A thunderstorm with 70 something mile winds and a lot of rain.
Then went to the doctor. Found out that I have an infection. After that, We went to the vet for my dog. You see, my dog broke his leg in 2 places. They said that his leg isn't healing the way it is supposed to and it will take about $1 thousand dollars to fix it also He is getting seizures more often.
Shucks cuz we do not exactly have a tree with growing money on it. Later on, my dad gets here (ick) and he said that we will just have to get rid of him! :( Because he is suffering! My brother is very very attached to him and my dog is my brothers special dog that is his own! It will be sad but I talked with my brother about this so he will be OK with it.
After a while he was fine and we were looking for a new dog on websites! Right now we are just watching movies all night! We first watched planet 51, then, the time travelers wife. and now we are about to put in the prince and me 4. Yeah I just hope i don't fall asleep to late because I have a girl scout outing tomorrow!
Yes, I am a girl scout! Its super D duper fun! We are going to a place called the children's pavilion. This is the first time i have heard about it! I wonder what we will be doing. Anyway.........I really ran out of words today! Um Nope can not think of anything else to say! well Good night readers! and! and God loves you!

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