Friday, May 7, 2010

Im just sitting here in my house alone. Im bored! I was cleaning but i dont really want to do that anymore.......ohh except to wash dishes or do the laundry! lol Remember how i told you that i loved cleaning?? well no joke cuz i do! The sucky part about it is that nobody else in my house help me clean anything! they just leave their crap everywhere and I have to pick it up. Not becuase they tel me, but because i cant stand to have a messy house!
I am a clean freak. I have to have everything in order and neat and clean and organized! if its not clean or organized, I clean.
Ok so a few days ago.....I had a very special talk with my mom. I told her that i was not going to clean the house anymore because nobody helped me out to clean. I told her that i was cleaning every time i could and everyone was expecting me to pick up after them. So i stopped cleaning........until like 2 days ago.
I am such a neat freak that i cannot stand mess so i broke! So now...everyone is leaving thier stuff everywhere still and being slops while i pick up after them! I cannot wait to leave this house and get my own house. My house will be soo clean that you wouldnt even remember what dirt looks like when you are there.
I have soooooo so many plans for my future. The sad thing is that i have to remember that God has my future and knows what he wants me to do. But if that is what he wants then....I guess i will have to do it. Because he knows whats best for me and will take care of me always...........ALWAYS.

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