Wednesday, May 5, 2010

im in trouble

I have a problem. I have a friend who likes me but i cant date and i only like him as a friend. Some people notice at school that we sometimes talk and I think he told someone that we text all day (which is true) but so now...everyone is saying...oh Sarah you have a gangster boyfriend. that's not bad but like i feel weird now and i am so embarrassed to even be in the same room with him because of what people might say! I don't know what to do!
I keep thinking about what to do. I thought about telling him exactly that i feel embarrassed to talk to him in school because of the rumors. I was thinking about asking him to change my name on his phone so in case people see who he is texting then they wont know it was me.
I just have no clue what to do......plz plz plz comment on this and tell me what to do!! I'm desperate!

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